Sunday, January 25, 2009

Laughing, Take 1

Amos Laughing, take 1 from BlimeyPot on Vimeo.

So I can laugh, but I enjoy making mom and dad try really hard to get it on film. Here is the first attempt, where I laugh very slightly about 1/3 of the way in. I look right into the camera and raise my eyebrow.

Also, more pics are available.

And, for the statisticians among you, as of Wednesday I was
12 lb 3 oz
24 inches
8 weeks old

Thursday, January 1, 2009

I Smile!

Hey guys, I've learned to show my pleasure and excitement now (in addition to my displeasure and severe displeasure). The pictures look kind of like I'm just grimacing, but it is hard to get a shot of me in full smile.
