Friday, November 28, 2008

I'm Home!

So I got home this afternoon, and I am doing well. It feels really good to be here, like this is what I wanted all along. We'll see how the first night goes, but so far I'm feeling pretty sleepy. Maybe this is a good sign.

Life is beautiful

Thursday, November 27, 2008

I'm Here!

So I finally decided I would show up. It took me a while to get out, and I caused some mayhem on the way out the door, but I'm here safe and sound. I can aready eat and cry and pee on my daddy.

My official statistics are:
Name: Amos Michael Collier
Date and Time of Birth: November 26, 7:55 PM
Weight: 8 lbs 2 oz
Length: 21 in.
Head Circumference: 13 3/4 inches
Hair: Sandy Blond
Eyes: Dark Blue (for now)

Check out the pictures scrolling on the right of my first few moments of life. Click through to Picasa to get a better look.

Love you guys,
~R-Flav ... err ... Amos

Monday, November 17, 2008

Me, I'm on my own schedule

So, I'm still ignoring the pleadings of my parental units and being stubborn in my refusal to meet them. But ... I have the sneaking suspicion that I won't hold out forever.

R-Flav "Zedekiah" Collier

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Boy, I'm shy

So, it will be 39 weeks tomorrow. I don't care, I'm waiting them all out! So what if they're tired, sore, grumpy, antsy, anxious, excited, nervous, exasperated, ... well you get the idea. Nope, doesn't matter to me, little Zedekiah Collier*.

One week left (or three if I feel like it).

*not my real name

Sunday, November 2, 2008

What's in a Name

Ok, so evidently there are lots of you out there that like the name Zedekiah. As, if! Of course Zerubbabel is a much better name. There's no way anyone could make fun of a name like Zerubabbel; its hip and trendy like all get out, too! And apparently someone out there wanted to scar me for life with a stinker like Zebulon! Woah, what a name!

this post's sole purpose is to goad along those asking what his name will be.